Handle With Care

Sustainability is a word we often hear in today’s world when referring to conservation and preservation of our environment. We separate our trash, recycle, avoid wasting natural resources, and generally seek to leave things better than we found them.
The word itself…Sustainability…has taken on some connotations and inferences, and perhaps, even a bit of political weight, as it is woven into the fabric of our world.
But no matter where you land on the sustain-o-meter, we can most likely all agree that we should take care of the things that God has graciously and generously bestowed upon us.
Gratitude is at the heart of this month of Thanksgiving. God created a beautiful world in which we reside...and we are so grateful! Yes, it is a fallen world…yet, still, God has preserved a generous portion of beauty and sustenance for us to enjoy and utilize.
In Genesis 1:26, God commanded humans to have dominion over the earth…to subdue, or manage the resources He created. He extended a limited amount of power and responsibility to mankind to preserve, protect, and nourish our natural resources. He gave us duties to sustain and attend to the good things He created. ALL of creation is a reflection of God. The trees, the sky, all of nature, animals, and yes, even people, are made in the image of God. For this reason alone, we should strive to take care of our surroundings. God did not give us the privilege of managing the natural resources He created so that we can waste and destroy it - but rather to nurture it.
In the scriptures, God gave detailed guidelines for managing crops, for land use, for the care and management of animals, for municipal infrastructure, and for the sustenance and well-being of people.
The foundation for this kind of sustainability is…LOVE. God’s love and care for people, for all of nature, and for the world He created.
God created the world with care, and He continues to care about every little detail that sustains its well-being. He provides the air we breathe day in and day out…He brings the rain to sustain vegetation…He directs the bees to pollinate flowers…He controls the ocean tides and the spinning of the universe…the ebb and flow of the ocean tides…and the ever-changing seasons.
In this month of Thanksgiving, may we be conscious of the daily life-sustaining gifts that God gives us, and may be mindful to handle with care the resources that He has placed in our responsibility. God also gives wisdom and intelligence and skills to people to learn how to best manage these resources for maximum productivity, while maintaining a healthy environmental balance. Our God is SO incredibly generous!
Our love for God can be expressed in the way we nurture and care for the things He has given us. “We love because He first loved us…” {1 John 4:19}
At Evilena’s Red Dresser, we seek to reflect the love of God in many different ways. We desire to show His love to the people who walk into our store. We are not perfect, but we do genuinely care about each person who visits Evilena’s, and we hope that each customer interaction is a pleasant experience. We also seek to reflect the love of God by being conscious of the world He created, and to not be wasteful with the resources He has placed in our care. As much as possible, we recycle, upcycle, repurpose, transform, and re-use items that cross our path.
We employ creative people who arrange our store in a way that expresses beauty and a welcoming environment. Just as a home can express beauty and love to all who enter, we believe that a lovely environment can nourish the soul of someone who dwells in a busy, hectic daily life. We hope that when you shop at Evilena’s, you feel refreshed, inspired, and a bit more peaceful than when you first arrived.
We work toward sustainability by helping individuals consign and sell items that might have otherwise ended up in a landfill. In America alone, it is estimated that 11.3 million tons of textile waste ended up in landfills each year. The average US consumer throws away over 80 lbs of clothing each year! Many of those items could have been recycled, repurposed or reused by others. Unsold items at Evilena’s are donated to Morningstar Mission. Often, we will upcycle, paint, or transform furniture into a refreshing new piece, giving it new purpose, and extending it’s life, instead of throwing it in the trash.
Many of our consigned items are new with tags. Consider doing your Christmas shopping at Evilena’s! You will find beautiful jewelry and accessories, upscale home decor, and other items that would make lovely Christmas gifts.
When you consign or make a purchase at Evilena’s Red Dresser, you are showing care for the environment by not contributing to the waste that piles up in landfills. You are also exhibiting love by supporting a local, small business and the families that benefit from your purchase of a consigned item. It is important to note that Evilena’s is NOT a thrift store. We operate on an entirely different premise than a thrift store. Thrift stores operate primarily on donated items, but Evilena’s serves both consignors AND shoppers. We seek to find a balance in our pricing that will benefit both the consignor and the purchaser. We want our consignors to profit from the items they bring in to us, and we also want our shoppers to find reasonably priced, good quality items to buy. It is a delicate balance, but please know that our goal is always two-fold…to serve and help BOTH consignor and buyer.
Please click HERE if you would like more info
about our guidelines for consignment.
Thank you so much for partnering with Evilena’s Red Dresser as we all work together to support sustainability in our world. We want to be good stewards of all that God has created and given to us! We enjoy having a small part in preserving, sustaining, and nurturing the amazing natural resources that God graciously bestows upon us and the world each and every day!