If This Table Could Talk...

Vintage Walnut Queen Anne Dining Set

“You see me now, a fancy walnut round,
But I was once tiny, just a squirrel-hidden seed in the ground.
Buried beneath the snow-covered soil
Winter worked me over with cold, pressure, and toil.
Spring came around, and the sun shined warmth below
Reaching all the way down where my sprouts started to grow.
A Force from above pulled my little green leaves
Up through the dirt, beyond winter’s leftover twigs and weeds.
Ah! The bright daylight beamed down so bright!
I reached my face upward toward the sky and the light!
Now I could grow, so big and so tall,
Offer my branches as home for birds and all!
Upward I grew, as the years passed by
First one, then ten, then fifty years, oh, my!
I weathered the storms, the wind, and the rain,
I harbored the critters, and shared walnuts for their gain.
I stood here amidst the wars of the world,
While people transplanted, and new flags unfurled.
Content in my spot, my purpose still pending
It would be many years before I’d know my sending!
They came with axes in the 1800’s, strong men with a very big horse,
I was near 80 feet tall and 6 feet wide - carrying me took a lot of force!
Chop, chop, and then I fell, but it really didn’t hurt much at all,
I wondered where I’d go, what would I be? I was ready for my next call!
I am walnut wood, strong, rare, and prized,
I hold great beauty and color, and high value in most eyes.
Would I be a desk? A cradle? Or maybe a chair?
Perhaps a bookshelf, a pulpit, or a violin extraordinaire?
After my chopping, I needed time to dry,
Turning trees into furniture is not something done on the fly!
Another few years, now the mid-1930’s, the era of wood scallops and shells,
I would now be made into a lovely piece where I would fit in my new home quite well.
My colors are varied, light browns and warm shades,
“Queen Anne” was the trend, hence, my decorative cuts and curves were made.
After so many years, I’d grown so wide and so tall,
that my extra wood made six chairs and two leaves - plenty of room for all!
Oh, the twist, and oh, those turns, I didn’t know which way was up!
But finally, the work was done, and I was a lovely table, around which a family would sup.
I was carefully placed in my new home, and decorated with linen and china,
My family gathered ‘round, day after day, dear folks, I’ve never met finer!
Over the years, I heard their stories, their laughter, and even felt their tears,
I was honored to be there, the hub of a home, for nearly 100 years!
That’s the thing about Walnut wood, you see, we’re lovely, but we’re also tough.
We last for years, our wood dense and tight, we endure so much, we’re strong enough!
I’m here for the long-haul, I won’t warp or bend,
If you’re seeking durability, Walnut is your friend!
It’s been a while since my years in the forest, and some sweet families have called me their own,
It’s very nice here at Evilena’s, but I miss having a place to call “Home”.
I promise not to make a ruckus, I won’t clash, I’ll just blend in.
I’ll happily hold your vase of tulips, your Rae Dunn, and your Coq au Vin.
Until then, I’ll bide my time, as I’ve patiently done before,
You know where to find me - at Evilena’s Red Dresser - Home Decor, Consignment, and more!”
Vintage Walnut Queen Anne Dining Set
This lovely vintage Queen Anne dining set is available now at Evilena’s Red Dresser. It is made of walnut wood aged from the 1800’s, and built in the 1930’s. Walnut is very dense and durable wood, with beautiful coloring, and unique patterns in the wood grain. Walnut is considered a “premium” wood, and is generally very expensive. Here is your opportunity to own a quality walnut dining set at an affordable price! This set is in very good condition. It has 6 chairs and two 10” leaves that can extend this table to an oval for extra seating. This set has “good bones”...you can easily change the seat covers to match your current home decor.
Get creative and make it your own!

Furniture is often so cheaply made these days, with materials that cannot withstand the test of time and wear and tear that a true, aged hardwood like walnut can withstand. Pieces such as this walnut dining set will last for many more years, and can be passed down as family heirlooms. See this set on our website HERE or stop in soon to see it in person!
Reminder: We will begin accepting SUMMER CONSIGNMENT this weekend, April 1!
Please join us for Ladies Day on April 29th as we celebrate ladies of all ages!
Stay tuned for more details soon.
With the glorious season of Easter coming up, we would like to wish our customers a most blessed Easter season! May we all be mindful of the tree upon which our Saviour was crucified, and how He willingly laid down His life to cover our sins, so that we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him one day.
Hallelujah for the Risen Saviour!