Living In Color

“Living In Color”
Imagine, for a moment, if our world was only black and white. There are lovely hues of whites, grays, and blacks, and of course, there’s nothing as classy as a little black dress...but oh, what a pop of color does for the soul!
How wonderful it is that God created COLOR! Just think of the lovely contrast between green leaves against a bright, blue sky. Or tall, dark green pines set against the rich sedimentary layers of red, purple, and gold in the rocky face of a mountain.
We use color to describe many things other than color. We say we are feeling “blue”, and everyone knows that we mean we are feeling sad. But, blue is a lovely color! Have you ever heard anyone say that they dislike the color blue? Nope, me neither. (Fun fact: There are quite a few different theories pertaining to the origin of “sad = blue”, but I believe the one most plausible is this: When a deepwater sailing ship lost a captain or an officer, the crew would fly blue flags and have a blue band painted across the hull when returning to her home port. This signified a great loss, and hence, blue represented sadness.)
White as snow. Black as night. Sky Blue. Red like crimson. Green as the grass. Yellow as a sunflower. Elephant gray. Peacock blue. Eggplant. Orange.
Color is interwoven throughout our lives. It holds tradition. It honors royalty. It represents a nation. It can set a mood.
Color can cultivate calm or create chaos. Color can complement or clash. It can invite you in or warn you to stay out. Green lights tell us to go ahead, red lights proclaim STOP! And yellow lights warn us to slow down and heed caution.
Have you ever wondered how a garden full of different colors blends beautifully together? That is because God is a Master Artist! Pink zinnias and orange marigolds peacefully live beside each other, and they will gladly welcome a red poppy and a purple iris into their garden party! Our Heavenly Father artfully crafted the blooms of each flower to mix and mingle and to paint the landscape with exquisite colors!
Vincent Van Gogh said, “There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” (I guess he knows a little bit about color...wink, wink.) Even contrasting colors create beauty when they play off of each other and work together. I think there’s a bit of a Life Lesson in there somewhere.
Do you decorate your home with a particular color theme in mind? Neutral colors help to foster an atmosphere of serenity and calm. Soft hues of ivory, gray, and even pale, heathery pink or a gentle blue, or a calming sage green all lend to a peaceful atmosphere.
An office or den decorated in navy with gold accents can feel so rich and studious. A light, sandy beige partners perfectly with a light blue to create a beachy ocean vibe in a bathroom. Accent with a few shells and beach-themed decor, and voila! You just arrived somewhere beyond the sea. A bright, sunny yellow is a refreshing color scheme for a kitchen. It’s a welcoming way to greet each morning.
The scriptures repeatedly mention colors. God often spoke in terms of color. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18) He created a rainbow as a symbol of His promise to never again destroy the earth by a flood. He gave specific guidelines for the priests’ attire, and for the temple decor, using specific colors to denote specific purposes. He vividly describes the beauty of heaven with references to streets of gold, white horses, and gates of pearls, and city walls with foundations built from every kind of precious stone. Revelation 21:19 describes the foundation of the city built with jasper, then sapphire, then a layer of agate, another of emerald, next onyx, then ruby, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, turquoise, jacinth, and then amethyst to top it off. Oh my goodness! Can you imagine the exquisite beauty of this city? Color represents many different things in the Bible, and it would be interesting to do a Bible study on the use of color through the scriptures. One thing for sure, as Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, God has made everything beautiful in His time...and color is certainly one of those aspects of the beauty which He created!
What colors are in your closet? Spring is just around the corner! It’s almost time to dig out those capri’s and floral tops. Isn’t it so interesting to think about how our wardrobe revolves around seasonal colors? In Spring and Summer, it is so much fun to pull out the bright pinks and yellows, kelly greens and whites. Summer is the perfect time for nautical navy and whites, and cool-as-a-cucumber sandals. And then fabulous Fall...with it’s rich, deep earthy tones of plums, chestnut, and copper, sprinkled with pumpkins, plaid blankets, red apples, and amber bonfires.
After Thanksgiving, tradition calls for a cameo spot of reds and greens in anticipation of the Christmas season. Perhaps you prefer to decorate in a lighter Winter theme of blue and silver, with the coolness of icy snowflakes and the blue tones cast by the moonlight across fresh snow. There is beauty in the colors of every season, no matter what part of the world you call Home.
We cheer on our favorite sports team in vibrant colors that represent our preferred winner. We celebrate a state or a school with distinctive colors. It’s easy to distinguish a White Sox fan from a Cubs fan with just one glance at a hat on a head. Black & white, or red & blue...we know which team is beloved by you!
Color has the power to uplift or subdue. Based on hair, eye color, and skin tone, certain colors will brighten and lift your features, while other colors might make you look tired or pale. It is worthwhile to determine if you look best in warm colors or cool colors, and stock your wardrobe accordingly.
Do you have a favorite color? Most of us have favorites depending on the item or usage. We will wear a black dress, but perhaps not use black walls in our home decor. Some people prefer bold colors, while others are more understated and prefer neutrals. Most of us have been taught some “rules” about color - generally relating to decorum and tradition. We wear dark or muted colors to a funeral, and we avoid white clothing in the winter and at weddings. Why is this? Tradition, culture, history - these all maneuver color in subtle ways that weave in and out of our days as dictated by fashion, style, culture, and propriety.
Color is so fascinating! Take a look around you and notice all the lovely colors that surround you at this very moment. Look out your window and see all the beautiful shades of color that decorate your yard, your neighborhood, your world. God is an Artist Extraordinaire! Have you ever considered all of the varying degrees of hues He made? The lovely green emerald, and the stunning sapphire...the fire opal and the gorgeous! The bold colors on a parrot, the unique stripes on a zebra, the deep mahogany fur on a bear...the spots on a Dalmatian, the lovely Palomino horse, and the “mismatched” Appaloosa...all beautiful creatures designed by God! Look at the blue/green gulf waters against white sandy beaches, and notice how the colorful beach umbrellas so festively contrast, yet fit in beautifully. “Oh, I just can’t stand to go to the beach because those colorful umbrellas clash with the color of the sky and the water,” said no one ever.
How encouraging it is to see tiny green shoots of grass or a purple Crocus pop up through the brown dirt as the snow melts away! How lovely is the red maple tree against a late summer sunset! All because God painted them with colors. Aren’t we so thankful for color and the way it influences us every day? Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all of the magnificent colors you created!
Springtime is a wonderful time to assess your own personal color preferences and then stop in to Evilena’s Red Dresser! We will be glad to take in your items, and help you consign them to someone who favors that particular color. Then, you can shop the many diverse items in Evilena’s and create a vibrant color palette that reflects your sense of style and character. You are sure to find elements of decor at Evilena’s that will accent the colors in your home, your wardrobe, and your surroundings.
Speaking of color...our Farmhouse Paint classes are beginning this month!
A beginner's class will be held on Thursday, March 18 from 6-7:30 pm and another beginner's class will be on Saturday, March 27 from 9-10:30 am. There will be an advanced class on Saturday, April 17 from 9-11 am. Class cost is $49. Bring a small item to paint, and Evilena's will provide the brushes and the paint! Call the store to sign up (815) 464-2668.
Have a lovely, colorful day, friends! Hope to see you soon at Evilena’s Red Dresser!
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