What's New In 2022

Happy New Year, friends of Evilena’s Red Dresser! We hope that the year is off to a stellar start for you, and that you are feeling inspired, creative, and adventurous as we dip our toes into the shoreline waves of 2022!
We have some VERY exciting news to share with you!

Yep! It’s been tough to keep it under wraps until we actually had all of those fun little paint jars on the shelf - but they’re finally here! Stop in ASAP to see all of the new colors, special finishes, Belles & Whistles (transfers & stencils coming soon!) and tools of the trade for transforming your home decor.
New paint classes are coming this year, and we will offer Open Studio on Thursday evenings beginning in February. On these nights, you are welcome to drop in and sample paints & finishes, ask questions, and brainstorm painting ideas with our staff.
This is your time to CREATE!
Even if you have never painted furniture before, stop in on a Thursday evening and try it! You will be surprised how easy, fun, and relaxing it can be! Trish will be in our paint department on Thursday nights to help you and to show you how to get started in transforming your own home decor pieces.
Watch for special announcements for upcoming classes and workshops that will feature local artists and “furniture flippers”. They will teach you advanced techniques, and share ideas and new product how-to instructions.
Speaking of special announcements…
Join us on Saturday, February 5, 2022 to celebrate the anniversary of Evilena’s expansion into the former Starbuck’s space! We have SO many special events planned for this day, and we would LOVE to see you here!
Enjoy coffee and delicious treats, and watch an exciting LIVE furniture Before/After transformation demo by Mary and Sue of The Vintage Darlings, local Frankfort furniture artists.
They make beautiful things like this…
And these…
Then, from 12 noon until 1:00 pm, we will be serenaded with relaxing harp music from our local harpist, Trish Boril. We are looking forward to having live music at Evilena’s on the 2nd Saturday of every month this year. Mark your calendar to stop in to Evilena’s Red Dresser for the 2nd Saturday Serenade from 12-1 pm each month. It will often be live harp music, but we might throw a few surprise musicians in the mix here and there - so stay tuned!
And guess what? For our special Anniversary event on February 5th, we are not just having one live paint demo…we are hosting TWO live demos!
At 2:00 pm, we will have the joy of watching local artist, Kim Beitel demonstrate the various paint finishes available in both Farmhouse Paint and Dixie Belle paint. YES, we are going to continue offering Farmhouse Paints! Farmhouse is a completely different type of paint from Dixie Belle, and Kim will show us the differences between the two products. She will also demonstrate the assorted special top coats, sealers, and finishing waxes, and help us learn how/when to use them. This is a great opportunity for you to get a bunch of free information, and to be inspired to create your own masterpieces with paint and supplies from Evilena’s Red Dresser.
Kim recently painted this table at Evilena’s with a combo of Farmhouse Paint on the bottom, and Dixie Belle Silk Mineral Paint on the top. Isn’t it gorgeous?
Before --> After!
Kim also did the GORGEOUS stenciled floor that now adorns our new paint department! This pic is just a sneak peek...you'll have to stop in to see the finished masterpiece!
We will begin accepting Spring items & clothing for consignment on February 1st, so when you come to Evilena’s for our anniversary celebration, you’ll be able to shop for fresh looks of Spring! Enjoy perusing our new arrivals for bright, happy hues that will point us ahead to warmer weather and days of sunshine, new growth, and beautiful colors.
Scripture tells us in Genesis 1:27 that we are made in the image of our Creator. The very first thing we learn about God is that He is creative. We are not given a motive for WHY He created, so it stands to reason that He created simply for the joy of making something beautiful. There does not need to be a reason for “creating.” Have you ever asked an artist why they create art? Sometimes their answer lies in being inspired by someone or something. Sometimes they create as an outward expression of an inward sentiment. Sometimes they themselves do not even know the “why” behind their art - they just simply want to create something beautiful. God did not state a reason for “why” He created - He simply created. And, oh, what a beautiful creation He made! He created skies and planets, oceans, flowers, animals, and people. So much beauty and creativity from one inspirational being! And yet still, He continues to create - to transform - to redeem - to remake - to repair - to restore. If we are made in the image of God, then aspects of all of those creative qualities also lie within us!
Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body”? Or “I have no talent whatsoever.” Statements like this minimize the creativity that God has placed in every human being! No, not everyone can draw or paint, or play an instrument with skill - but everyone has SOME creative ability within them. You might have the creative skill to look at a problem and come up with a workable solution. That is creativity! You might have the vision to look at a room full of clutter, and be able to see how to organize it in a functional manner. Perhaps you are teaching a room full of children, or leading a warehouse full of employees - it takes creativity to manage a room full of people! Mothers creatively plan meals and manage busy schedules. We ALL have differing creative gifts, skills, and talents. Ask God to help you develop yours! Perhaps you write, or cook, or find solutions to problems, or manage people, or design buildings and landscapes, or plan efficient traffic patterns - these are all creative skills!
Creativity is something that God placed within each and every human. We are made in the image of the finest Creator - so, get creative! Try new ideas, new skills, new adventures, and see what inspires you!
Evilena’s Red Dresser is cooking up some new ideas to celebrate creativity and transformation in innovative and inspirational ways. Once a month we will share Transformation Tuesday, an online video devotional featuring a simple craft project, coupled with an inspirational thought. We invite you to join us! This journey of creative transformation will lead us to grow together in our faith, in our abilities, and in our interaction with God and one another.
We are excited for this new year ahead! We look forward to seeing you soon at Evilena’s Red Dresser!
Saturday, February 5, 2022 from 10 am - 4 pm.
- 2021
- allergies
- Autumn
- bees
- blessings
- boots
- charity
- cheerful giver
- Christmas
- clean
- clean eating
- cold remedy
- color
- conservation
- consignment
- December
- detours
- Divine Detours
- Divine Distractions
- Dixie Belle Paint
- donate
- downsizing
- Evilena's
- Evilena's Red Dresser
- Evilenas
- evilenas birthday celebration
- evilenas blog
- Evilenas Red Dresser
- faith
- Faith over fear
- Fall
- Farmhouse Paint
- February
- find your style
- Frankfort
- Frankfort Illinois
- frugal living
- Garden
- garden walk
- Gardening
- Giving
- Giving Tuesday
- goals
- grateful
- gratitude
- ham soup
- Hannah bee honey
- healthy
- home decor
- home decor decor style
- home organization
- hope
- kindness
- lagrange road
- lamps
- leftovers
- love
- natural
- Navarro Farm
- new year
- nutritious
- paint classes
- peace
- perspective
- quiche
- raw local honey
- recycling
- resale
- roseland goodnews daycare
- shop frankfort
- sleep
- small business
- special needs
- Spring
- style
- sweater
- sweetener
- tea
- thanks
- Thanksgiving
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Transformation
- transition
- upscale resale
- winter blog
- 2021
- allergies
- Autumn
- bees
- blessings
- boots
- charity
- cheerful giver
- Christmas
- clean
- clean eating
- cold remedy
- color
- conservation
- consignment
- December
- detours
- Divine Detours
- Divine Distractions
- Dixie Belle Paint
- donate
- downsizing
- Evilena's
- Evilena's Red Dresser
- Evilenas
- evilenas birthday celebration
- evilenas blog
- Evilenas Red Dresser
- faith
- Faith over fear
- Fall
- Farmhouse Paint
- February
- find your style
- Frankfort
- Frankfort Illinois
- frugal living
- Garden
- garden walk
- Gardening
- Giving
- Giving Tuesday
- goals
- grateful
- gratitude
- ham soup
- Hannah bee honey
- healthy
- home decor
- home decor decor style
- home organization
- hope
- kindness
- lagrange road
- lamps
- leftovers
- love
- natural
- Navarro Farm
- new year
- nutritious
- paint classes
- peace
- perspective
- quiche
- raw local honey
- recycling
- resale
- roseland goodnews daycare
- shop frankfort
- sleep
- small business
- special needs
- Spring
- style
- sweater
- sweetener
- tea
- thanks
- Thanksgiving
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Transformation
- transition
- upscale resale
- winter blog