Transformation Time

This month marks the 4th Anniversary of Evilena's Expansion!
We will be celebrating this happy occasion on Saturday, February 5, 2022 from 10-4. Please join us!
We have transformed our paint department into a creative, inspiring space with so many new products and ideas! A few before/after pics are shared at the end of this blog.
Stop in this Saturday to try out some new paint products, and to view live paint demonstrations that will transform furniture from drab to fab right before your eyes!
When Evilena’s acquired the former Starbuck’s space at the west end of our building, it required a BIG step of faith and a commitment to much work, time, expense, and planning to implement the vision for the space. The former fixtures needed to be removed, wires and pipes needed to be rerouted, and walls needed to be torn down. If you stopped by in the midst of this, it might have looked rather messy! But transformation IS usually a messy process while it’s in motion. We know it will look great when it’s finished, but it takes a bit of deconstruction, and then reconstruction, and a bunch of mess in the middle.
Transformation takes time, doesn’t it? First there is an idea…a moment of “what if…” then maybe a sketch on a paper napkin, or wrinkled store receipt pulled from a pocket… then a plan, a lot of discussion, prayer, perhaps some sleepless hours during the night, people scheduled, money paid, contracts signed, then finally…someone picks up the hammer and takes a swing…ahhhh, TRANSFORMATION begins!
But did it REALLY begin at the first swing of the hammer?
Not exactly :-)
The part that people see begins with that first swing of the hammer…but the beginnings of transformation have a much quieter, yet no less important, starting point.
We all have felt, at times, the mind/heart pull of “something needs to change.” We have all sensed the notion to make improvements, to do better, to devote more time to _________. THIS is truly the moment when transformation begins!
The idea surfaces…the vision forms in our thoughts…and we ponder. We mentally picture transformation and imagine how it might look…and the idea just swirls around and around in our head. How will it ever get to a hammer-swinging moment?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
You do not have to embark on a transformational journey all by yourself. God is more than willing and able to walk with you along the way. Some people may support you, while others may not. Doubts may arise, and fear of failure may attempt to creep into your dreams, but confidently push aside those doubts and fears, and step out in faith toward transformation. Your future self will be glad you did! God welcomes the opportunity to help those who seek Him on a transformational journey! You do not need to know exactly how everything is going to turn out before you start. If God has placed a seed of desire in your heart that is pulling you toward change, water that seed with prayer, and fertilize it with faith, and watch it grow into reality!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
What is stopping your transformation from moving out of your head and into real-time? Is it fear? Fear of failure or fear of the unknown? Procrastination? Lack of knowledge or finances? Lack of time or lack of support for your idea?
“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
God is particularly skilled in the transformation department. In fact, He is an expert Transformer. His word, the scriptures, are full of stories of transformation! He transformed death into life, sickness into healing, lost into found, crooked into straight, and failure into success.
“See? I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)
Transformation can be a time consuming endeavor, but rest assured, friends - God is very patient! If you feel a tug on your heart to do something, spend some time in prayer and seek God’s wisdom. Ask Him to shine a light on your path and lead you in the way you should go. You will know when it’s time. Don’t let fear be a factor in your transformation process! Step out in faith - even if it’s just you and God - and go forward with your transformation! God can make all things new!
“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.
And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
(Ezekiel 36:26)
Perhaps it’s a personal transformation, something in your heart that you’d like to change. Maybe it is a relationship transformation that you long to see revived and healed.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
Have you always wanted to pursue a creative endeavor? Maybe it’s something as simple as painting a piece of furniture or rearranging a room…or something life-changing that will require a time commitment such as losing weight, or going gray. Go for it! Even if it’s something that will take a long time - just pick up the hammer or the paint brush and get going! The time is going to pass regardless of what you do, so you might as well use time to your advantage, and step forward in your transformation.
“I will go in the strength of the Lord God.” Psalm 71:16
When Evilena’s Red Dresser began the transformation process of expanding into the Starbuck’s space, there was no guarantee of success…but we ventured out, by faith, to transform a whopping 2,000 sq. feet of new space to be filled with beautiful items for customers to purchase! How exciting!
And then the pandemic hit.
The store was forced to be closed for a while. Customers were unable to come in and shop. We all wondered what was going to happen…
But God carried us through, and Evilena’s emerged from the shutdown with a renewed vibrancy and a fresh appreciation for our loyal customers, and a sincere heart of gratitude for the way the Lord sustained our business during those challenging days!
~ New Items In Evilena's ~
His grace is ALWAYS sufficient, and He continues to sustain us each and every day, and we are so grateful!
"Do not be worried about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6,7)
With the dawning of 2022, we are happy to announce that we have expanded again and our paint area has undergone a major transformation! With the help of our furniture flippin’ friends, the Vintage Darlings, and Kim B, and others, our paint department is a bright, creative space…ready for you to come and be inspired to transform your own decor!
Before After
Check our website for new paint classes being added each month,
and new creative products arriving soon!
Please join us on Saturday, February 5th from 10 am - 4 pm.
We are excited to see you!
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- Divine Detours
- Divine Distractions
- Dixie Belle Paint
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- downsizing
- Evilena's
- Evilena's Red Dresser
- Evilenas
- evilenas birthday celebration
- evilenas blog
- Evilenas Red Dresser
- faith
- Faith over fear
- Fall
- Farmhouse Paint
- February
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- Frankfort
- Frankfort Illinois
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- Gardening
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- Giving Tuesday
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- gratitude
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- Thrill of the Hunt
- Transformation
- transition
- upscale resale
- winter blog
- 2021
- allergies
- Autumn
- bees
- blessings
- boots
- charity
- cheerful giver
- Christmas
- clean
- clean eating
- cold remedy
- color
- conservation
- consignment
- December
- detours
- Divine Detours
- Divine Distractions
- Dixie Belle Paint
- donate
- downsizing
- Evilena's
- Evilena's Red Dresser
- Evilenas
- evilenas birthday celebration
- evilenas blog
- Evilenas Red Dresser
- faith
- Faith over fear
- Fall
- Farmhouse Paint
- February
- find your style
- Frankfort
- Frankfort Illinois
- frugal living
- Garden
- garden walk
- Gardening
- Giving
- Giving Tuesday
- goals
- grateful
- gratitude
- ham soup
- Hannah bee honey
- healthy
- home decor
- home decor decor style
- home organization
- hope
- kindness
- lagrange road
- lamps
- leftovers
- love
- natural
- Navarro Farm
- new year
- nutritious
- paint classes
- peace
- perspective
- quiche
- raw local honey
- recycling
- resale
- roseland goodnews daycare
- shop frankfort
- sleep
- small business
- special needs
- Spring
- style
- sweater
- sweetener
- tea
- thanks
- Thanksgiving
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Transformation
- transition
- upscale resale
- winter blog